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What is tanning?

UVB tays stimulate melanocytes in the skin which produce melanin. The melanin is then ozidized by the UVA rays, runing the skin brown. A fading tan is simply the outer layer of skin beind shed. Thus, to maintain a tan, regular exposure to ultraviolet light is necessary.

What are the benefits of tanning?

Aside from making you look great, there is strong evidence that indoor tanning can duplicate the beneficial properties of sunlight. There is strong evidence that sunlight aids the strengthening of the immune system, helps produce vitamin D, increases the body's ability to absorb calcium, builds skin's resistance to overexposure, helps combat depression, induces a feeling of well-being, increases the supply of oxygen in the blood, helps in the treatment of acne, psoriasis and eczema, and stimulates the thyroid gland which boosts the metabolism.

Are indoor and outdoor tanning similar?

Yes. Although indoor and outdoor tanning expose you to similar UVA and UVB rays, there is one difference: when you tan indoors, you are doing so in a controlled environment. This means by tanning indoors you are not subject to external factors such as time of day, cloud cover, reflective surgaces and pollution that could negatively affect your tan. It is difficult to compare outdoor tanning time to indoor tanning time as outdoor tanning is done in an uncontrolled environment.

Why lotion?

Do not use outdoor tanning products when you are indoor tanning. We have lotions available which are specifically designed for indoor tanning. These lotions have ingredients which speed up the tanning process. They also contain moisturizers which replace the moisture you lose when you tan. Moist skin tans better. Only gels and lotions are allowed in our salon. Please do not use oils. After-tan moisturizers are recommended to replenish moisture the skin has lost, thus extending the life of your tan.

How can I tan safely?

To avoid overexposure, discuss your tanning strategy with our staff. Although it is tempting to wish for results after just one session, ensure that your sessions are not too long, as a burn will damage your skin. It is also important not to use tanning facilities more than once within a 24-hour period as your "true" tan will not show its colours for at least 12 to 24 hours after you tan. Use the eyewear provided or purchase your own, as your eyelids do not protect your eyes.

Should I get a base tan before my vacation?

Yes. Your bvest natural defence against overexposure to the sun is a tan. Preconditioning your skin gradually indoors enables you to spend more time outdoors. 6 to 8 sessions should give you a base tan.

How long will it take to get a tan and then maintain it?

There are many different skin types. Most people will see a change in colour after the 2nd or 3rd session and will achieve a glowing tan after 8 to 10 full sessions. One or two sessions per week should maintain that tan.

5516 Hastings Street
Burnaby, British Columbia
Canada  V5B 1S3
