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Our Beds


Power Bed: 26-bulb lie down bed with a face tanner. Maximum tan time 20 minutes. Two units available.
Stand-Up: 48-bulb lie fully enclosed capsule. Maximum tan time 12 minutes. Two units available.
Mega Bed: The mega bed is a 48-bulb lie down bed with a face tanner. Maximum tan time 12 minutes. Two units available.


What's The Difference?

Because the stand-up units and the mega bed have almost double the number of bulbs, fewer minutes are needed than in the power bed. This means that you are in and out more quickly. The stand-up units also provide you with an "all-over" tan.

The power beds have face tanners which concentrate rays on the face. Many people find that lying down is preferable as it is relaxing.

5516 Hastings Street
Burnaby, British Columbia
Canada  V5B 1S3
